Hardware and Software Instruction Manual
Web Link to this product:
Version number: 1.10
Issue: October, 1999
Replaces version: n/a
Author Code: J595RB
VoiceKit2000, hereafter referred to as VK2000, is a printed circuit board designed for the purpose of
demonstrating a selection of OKI Electric’s speech LSIs in conjunction with an IBM PC/AT compatible
personal computer running Windows 95/98®. The board includes six different speech LSIs to demon-
strate, a controller circuit and a battery pack case. Connections are provided for a microphone, two
speakers (all 3.5mmØ) and a 9-pin serial interface connector.
Delivery includes:
Board dimensions:
• VoiceKit2000 board, battery case attached
• Control software for Windows 95/98®
• RS232C cable (a male end to VK2000,
a female end to the host PC)
• This instruction manual
• 120(W) x 130(L)mm
• Loudspeaker x 1
• Microphone x 1
• Four LR6/1.5V alkaline batteries
Mounted Speech LSIs:
• ML2500
Analog storage recorder LSI with internal 1 megacell flash memory
• MSM9888L ADPCM recorder LSI with external 4 megabit Oki Serial Voice Flash
• MSM9841 ADPCM recorder LSI with FIFO buffer and DMA interface
• MSM66P56 ADPCM/PCM speech synthesis LSI with internal 2 megabit OTPROM
• MSM9831 PCM speech synthesis LSI with internal 384 kilobit ROM
• MSM6722 Voice pitch control LSI, within ± one octave control range
The manufacturer of VK2000 assumes that the user is well familiarised with the use of PCs and the
Windows 95/98® operating system. It is of further advantage to be familiar with the essential functions of
each speech LSI on the VK2000 board. For details please ask for the latest data sheets or visit our website
product page:
where you will also find updates of the VK2000 control software and its (this) instruction manual in
Adobe’s Acrobat® format.
Specification are subject to change without notice.
Connect VK2000 firmly to a free serial port of the PC. Double-click on the program icon to start the
control software which will come up with the screen pictured below for the selection of the serial port.
By default, COM1 is selected. Any valid selection you make will be stored in an initialisation file and
be available at next start up. Before going further, please make sure that the serial cable is properly
connected to both VK2000 and the host. Then engage power to VK2000 and push the Reset button
briefly before you click on the START button.
When using a laptop or notebook, noise may interfere from theAC adapter. In such an event please run on
the battery.
The recording devices, ML2500, MSM9841 and MSM9888L have no pre-recorded samples associated
with them. Please record first before you click on a playback button.
The LSI panel is the working screen. The control software is so designed as to provide a panel on
which each LSI can be selected and activated simply by a mouse click. Please refer to the following pages
for more information.
Commonly used by all LSI modes are the optical symbols for REC, PLAY and PAUSE, which come
on and go off in accordance with a current selected mode.
Adjust the audio volume using the variable resistors VR1 for the left speaker output and VR2 for the
right speaker output.
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7.1. L2500 (Full part number ML2500)
Analog storage recorder LSI with internal 1 megacell flash memory.
The voice quality of ML2500 is representative for all Oki analog storage recording LSIs.
1. Select the number of phrases (recording channels from 1 to 16) into which you would like to split
the recording memory. All phrases will have the same length. They are symbolised in the Start
Switches frame.
2. Select the desired sampling frequency and click on the RECORD option box.
3. In the Start Switches frame, click on the phrase which you wish to record.
Recording will stop at the boundary of the selected phrase or can be stopped clicking on the STOP
button. Likewise, recording can be temporarily suspended with a click on the PAUSE button.
1. Click on the Play option box.
2. In the Start Switches frame, click on the phrase which you wish to play back.
Playback will stop at the boundary of the selected phrase or can be stopped clicking on the STOP
button. Likewise, playback can be temporarily suspended with a click on the PAUSE button.
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7.2. M9888L (Full part number MSM9888L)
ADPCM recorder LSI with external 4 megabit Oki Serial Voice Flash.
Playback from LSI-internal Mask ROM
MSM9888L contains a 512KBit ROM which is programmed with sample sounds. Select a sample
from the combo box in the Phrase Address Table frame and click on PLAY. Or click on one of the
SAMPLE buttons to listen.
If the device is still unrecorded, the combo box labelled “Recording No” shows 01. It will automati-
cally increment as the RECORD button is clicked.
1. Select a recording number, select the desired sampling frequency.
2. Click on RECORD. Click on STOP when finished.
3. The recorded phrase and sampling rate appears in the right combo box labelled “Play or Erase No”.
1. Select the desired phrase from the combo box labelled “Play or Erase No”.
2. Click on PLAY
1. Select the desired phrase from the combo box labelled “Play or Erase No”.
2. Click on ERASE
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7.3. M9841 (Full part number MSM9841)
ADPCM recorder LSI with FIFO buffer and DMA interface.
If the device is still unrecorded, the combo box labelled “Phrase No” shows 01. It will automatically
increment as the RECORD button is clicked.
1. Select a recording number, select the desired sampling frequency, select the desired algorithm
2. Click on RECORD.
3. Click on STOP when finished.
4. The recorded phrase and algorithm appears in the combo boxes in the PLAY frame above.
1. Select MONO or STEREO
2. Set the volume for each channel separately, if you wish
3. Select a phrase from a combo box
4. Playback commences
1. Select the desired phrase from the combo box in the REC frame
2. Click on ERASE
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7.4. M66P56 (Full part number MSM66P56)
ADPCM/PCM speech synthesis LSI with internal 2 megabit OTPROM.
1. Select a Phrase Table
2. Select the desired phrase from the associated combo box.
3. Click on PLAY
4. Click on STOP, if you wish to terminate before playback end automatically.
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7.5. M9831 (Full part number MSM9831)
PCM speech synthesis LSI with internal 384 kilobit ROM.
Playback of pre-recorded samples
1. Select the Phrase Table frame
2. Select the desired phrase from the associated combo box.
3. Click on PLAY
4. Click on STOP, if you wish to terminate before playback ends automatically.
Blinker sounds
1. Click on TYPE A and TYPE B buttons to playback.
2. Click on STOP, if you wish to terminate before playback ends automatically.
1. Click on a number key and the corresponding DTMF tone is output.
2. Every number appears in a text box
3. Press START to output DTMF tones for all numbers in the text box
4. Click on CLEAR to clear the text box.
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7.6. M6722 (Full part number MSM6722)
Voice Pitch Controller LSI within ± one octave control range.
The MSM6722 has no recording and playback function. It shifts your voice coming from the micro-
phone in real-time within an octave up or down.
Speech Pitch
1. Set the speech pitch as desired and speak into the microphone.
2. You can alter the pitch setting whilst talking in the microphone.
M9841 Sound
Usage of this requires that speech was previously recorded with the M9841 mode. A recording is
passed through the M6722 chip and pitch shifted in accordance to the setting on the piano keys or on
the scroll bar above.
1. The M9841 recorded phrases are listed in the combo box.
2. Select the desired phrase.
3. Playback through the pitch controller commences
4. Click on STOP if you wish to terminate
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The information contained herein can change without notice owing to product and/or technical
improvements. Before using the product, please make sure that the information being referred to is up-
The outline of action and examples for application circuits described herein have been chosen as an
explanation for the standard action and performance of the product. When planning to use the product,
please ensure that the external conditions are reflected in the actual circuit, assembly, and program
When designing your product, please use our product below the specified maximum ratings and
within the specified operating ranges including, but not limited to, operating voltage, power dissipa-
tion, and operating temperature.
Oki assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any failure or unusual or unexpected
operation resulting from misuse, neglect, improper installation, repair, alteration or accident, improper
handling, or unusual physical or electrical stress including, but not limited to, exposure to parameters
beyond the specified maximum ratings or operation outside the specified operating range.
Neither indemnity against nor license of a third party’s industrial and intellectual property right, etc.
is granted by us in connection with the use of the product and/or the information and drawings con-
tained herein. No responsibility is assumed by us for any infringement of a third party’s right which
may result from the use thereof.
The products listed in this document are intended for use in general electronics equipment for com-
mercial applications (e.g., office automation, communication equipment, measurement equipment,
consumer electronics, etc.). These products are not authorized for use in any system or application that
requires special or enhanced quality and reliability characteristics nor in any system or application
where the failure of such system or application may result in the loss or damage of property, or death
or injury to humans. Such applications include, but are not limited to, traffic and automotive equip-
ment, safety devices, aerospace equipment, nuclear power control, medical equipment, and life-support
Certain products in this document may need government approval before they can be exported to
particular countries. The purchaser assumes the responsibility of determining the legality of export of
these products and will take appropriate and necessary steps at their own expense for these.
No part of the contents cotained herein may be reprinted or reproduced without our prior permission.
All brand, company and product names are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respec-
tive owners.
Copyright 1999 Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.
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OKI Electric Industry Co., Ltd.,
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Tel.: +81-(0)3-5445-6327,
Fax.: +81-(0)3-5445-6328,
OKI Semiconductor Company,
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Sunnyvale, CA 94086, U.S.A.,
Tel.: +1-408-720-1900,
Fax.: +1-408-720-1918,
OKI Electric Europe GmbH,
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Tel: +49-2131-15960,
Fax: +49-2131-103539,
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33 Canton Road, Tsimshatsui,
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Tel.: +852-2-736-2336,
Fax.: +852-2-736-2395
OKI Semiconductor (Asia) Pte. Ltd.,
78 Shenton Way 09-01,
Singapore 0207,
Tel.: +65-221-3722,
Fax.: +65-323-5376
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7th Fl. No.260, Tun Hwa North Road,
Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.,
Sumitomo-Flysun Building,
Tel.: +886-2-2719-2561,
Fax.: +886-2-2715-2892
For further information, please contact:
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